The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, also known as Extreme Unction, allows the sick to feel peace, courage, and comfort from the Lord to face the difficulties of illness, old age, and the fear of death. One can call to receive this sacrament when frail from old age, you have a serious illness that can lead to death, a sickness which compromises your health, or an impending surgery or medical procedure, or other serious physical ailment in need of anointing. Although we hope and pray that those receiving anointing of the sick be physically healed of the illness, we take solace in knowing that through the Holy Spirit, spiritual healing will take place.
If someone is seriously ill, please do not delay in calling the rectory to receive the sacrament. Call the Rectory office at 516-785-1266 if someone would like to be anointed or with any questions regarding this sacrament.
If you are calling outside of regular business hours, please call the priest emergency phone 516-312-7361.
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Winter Open House
For Prospective Families of Nursery - 8th Grade (Transfer Students Welcome!)
Thursday, February 6th at 6:30pm