Congratulations on the birth of your baby!
We are excited and honored that you have chosen to have your child baptized here at St. William the Abbot and look forward to walking with your family as you grow in your faith!
The sacrament of baptism is the first step on your child's life-long journey with Jesus and the Church and we aim to create a lasting relationship and home for you and your family here at St. William's.
We ask that you take a moment to read through our list of Frequently Asked Questions and then submit our Baptism Intake Form below. Once we have received it, someone from our team will contact you to arrange a date and time for your child's baptism.
Please read through before submitting your information. If you have any further questions, please email
Baptisms occur twice a month on Sunday afternoons and are generally around one hour long.
Typically we do not have any more than 6 babies receive the sacrament in a single ceremony.
While baptisms are meant to be a community celebration, individual baptisms may be scheduled on a case-by-case basis only if a family is able to make arrangements with a priest or deacon outside of St. William's and the parish schedule permits. Our parish priests and deacons are unable to accommodate requests to celebrate individual baptisms. For more information, please contact
The principal responsibility of a godparent is to give witness to the Catholic faith by his/her words and actions. The role is, together with the parents, to present the child for baptism, and to help them live a Christian life befitting the baptized and faithfully to fulfill the duties inherent in baptism.
Godparents must be practicing Catholics over the age of 16 who attend mass regularly and registered with a parish. For more on what constitutes a practicing Catholic please visit:
They must have also already received the sacraments of baptism, communion, and confirmation. If the godparent is married, they must have been married in the Church. While it is customary to have both a godmother and godfather, the Church requires only one godparent.
When there are two godparents, one must be female and one must be male. Parents of the child cannot also serve as his/her godparent. A St. William the Abbot Statement of Suitability must be completed by each godparent and their registered parish and must be submitted to St. William's no later than 2 weeks prior to your scheduled baptism date.
Forms are available below or by visiting
Someone who is a baptized Christian of a different faith may act as a Christian Witness as long as there is also a Catholic godparent. The Christian Witness is considered a sponsor, not a godparent. This person must be over the age of 16 and be a validly baptized Christian. Non-Christians (for example, those of Jewish or Muslim faith, or agnostics) may not serve as a godparent or sponsor. Please email for more information.
Baptized Catholics cannot serve as Christian Witnesses.
Godparents will need to have sponsor/godparent forms signed by the parish that they are registered in. These forms must be submitted no later than 2 weeks prior to your scheduled baptismal date. A baptism cannot move forward as planned without the documentation.
The forms below, specific to St. William the Abbot, must be completed and turned in. While other parishes or Dioceses may have different forms to use, the St. William the Abbot ones must be filled out and submitted in conjunction with them.
Parents are required to take a Baptismal Preparation Class here at St. William's. The Deacon will go over class availability with you. These classes are no longer than 1 hour long and your baby is welcome to attend with you if childcare poses a challenge for your family. Please register for an upcoming class below or by visiting
Though not required, it is customary for families to make a voluntary donation in support of the ministry of the parish. These offerings are generally between $100 to $500.
Photos (and professional photographers) are permissible, though we remind you that it is a sacred ceremony taking place in a Church. Please be mindful and considerate of other families and respectful of your surroundings. There will also be an opportunity to take a photo as a family in front of the steps leading to the sanctuary once the ceremony has ended.
Yes, though we encourage you to have a conversation with the priest or deacon to celebrate a convalidation ceremony blessing your marriage in the Church. Please contact Please note that a married person acting as a godparent must have been married within the Church or has since had their marriage convalidated. Parents who have not been legally married are also welcome to have their child baptized with us.
Visit St. William the Abbot School and Come and See What Sets us Apart as We Celebrate our 70th Anniversary!
Winter Open House
For Prospective Families of Nursery - 8th Grade (Transfer Students Welcome!)
Thursday, February 6th at 6:30pm