Welcome to the Parish of St. William the Abbot Roman Catholic Church!
We welcome all new parishioners who would like to join our vibrant community. If you have made the parish your spiritual home but have not yet registered, please do so - this will help us to help you in case you’re asked to be a godparent or sponsor, or in case you would like to get married here. Moreover, it will be a great means to help you get rooted in and connected to our community.
Please also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.
Regardless of what walk of life you come from, we at St. William the Abbot are so glad you're here! We know visiting a new church or coming back can be a bit scary, however, at St. William the Abbot our goal is that you feel welcomed into a friendly environment where you can encounter God and meet great people.
Visit St. William the Abbot School and Come and See What Sets us Apart as We Celebrate our 70th Anniversary!
Early Childhood Information Night
For Parents Interested in our Nursery-3, Pre-K, and Kindergarten Programs
Thursday, January 23rd at 6:30pm
Catholic Schools Week Open House
For Friends, Families, and Prospective Families
Sunday, January 26th following 10:30am Mass
Winter Open House
For Prospective Families of Nursery - 8th Grade (Transfer Students Welcome!)
Thursday, February 6th at 6:30pm