The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament. – CCC 1601
Congratulations on your engagement!
The sacrament of marriage is one that brings great blessings to the couple, to their family and friends, and the Church as a whole. We strive to prepare couples for not only their wedding day, but for a lifetime of grace- filled blessings in the relationship that will help lead them to eternal salvation.
Please note that there is an eight-month preparation period required before the wedding takes place.
For further information on receiving the sacrament of Marriage at St. William the Abbot, please complete the registration form below.
St. William the Abbot celebrates weddings on
Fridays at 4:00pm and 5:30pm,
Saturdays at 10:30am, 12:30pm, and 2:30pm
and Sundays at 3:30pm.
The date of the wedding can only be confirmed after meeting with the Pastoral Staff. Once you have submitted the Intake Form (below), someone from our staff will call you to set up an appointment.
Your visit to the Rectory office (or Zoom conference call) is an opportunity for us to personally minister to you and answer any questions you may have.
Within 60 days of the wedding, attain a Marriage License.
Bring the license to the wedding rehearsal signed by you (the couple) and the two witnesses.
Within 6 months of the wedding, an updated Baptismal Certificate is required.
These are obtained from the church where you were baptized.
Successful completion of a Pre-Cana program is required before your wedding takes place. A member of the Pre-Cana Ministry will contact you regarding your marriage preparations.
You will be contacted by member of the staff from the parish, who will arrange a date/time for your wedding rehearsal.
The wedding fees for St. William the Abbot Parishioners is $850, which includes the $500 Church Fee and the $350 Music Fee. Please make checks payable to St. William the Abbot RC Church.
The wedding fees for Out-of-Parish Couples is $1,050, which includes the $700 Church Fee and $350 Music Fee. Please make checks payable to St. William the Abbot RC Church.
If a couple would live to live-stream their wedding, the fee is $150. (This is in addition to all other fees.)
The Church maintains seasonal arrangements and decorations on the sanctuary all year long. Additional decor elements can be submitted for approval closer to your wedding date, though we do not allow scattered flower petals or confetti inside nor outside the Church. Please see that only rubber bands are used to affix bows to pews (no adhesives of any kind).
Please note that runners are not permitted.
You are welcome to have a photographer take pictures or video tape the wedding. Auxiliary lights are not permitted as they distract from the sacredness of the ceremony and are a disturbance to you guests. The photographer should contact the Rectory for guidelines.
As our Church is a sacred space, please ensure that no alcohol is served prior to or en route to the wedding. If either party is under the influence, the marriage would be invalid.
If you have a friend or relative who is a Catholic priest or deacon, they may be permitted to celebrate your wedding here at St. William's if they provide a letter of good standing from their home Diocese or Religious Order. Even priests and deacons within the Diocese of Rockville Centre will have to have this letter sent to us prior to celebrating a wedding here.
Visit St. William the Abbot School and Come and See What Sets us Apart as We Celebrate our 70th Anniversary!
Winter Open House
For Prospective Families of Nursery - 8th Grade (Transfer Students Welcome!)
Thursday, February 6th at 6:30pm